Friday, March 19, 2010

Enemies Among Us by Bob Hamer

If you're looking for an adrenaline-laced, pulse-pounding tale of counter-terrorism in the vein of Jack Bauer...keep on looking. BUT, if you want a character-driven, true-to-life, thought-filled, authentic story about an every day hero doing his job to defend us from unseen enemies...'ve found the PERFECT book and the PERFECT author! Bob Hamer takes his years as a street FBI agent, often serving undercover in some of the grittiest criminal activity and creates a novel that is both rich and real.

Matt Hogan battles "Enemies Among Us" in this suspenseful story of cracking a hidden terrorist cell within our own borders. Matt has a knack for cracking things open...he's totaled at least three agency vehicles and usually does so out-of-policy.

In other words, he lives and works on the edge. Makes him a perfect undercover agent, attempting to locate and disrupt a terrorist cell with unknown players and an unknown plot.

Matt poses as a volunteer for a charity helping children who've been injured or maimed by war. World Angel Ministry could be a hotbed for terrorists or an innocent charitable organization, and it's up to Matt and his handler, Dwayne, to discover the truth.

You'll be amazed, and possibly horrified, at how terrorist organizations and their tendrils invade and infect our American society. You'll also discover how racial profiling won't work when it comes to ferreting out the guilty from the innocent.

Rich with authentic detail and deep in character development and storyline, "Enemies Among Us" is the best of its kind. The novel moves more slowly than most in its genre, but that's a definite plus. We see more of the inner workings of the Bureau and get to know agents from a different angle.

A more human one. I think you'll appreciate the men and women of the FBI more after reading this stellar novel. I only hope we haven't seen the last of Matt Hogan and his creator, Bob Hamer.

I'm voting "Enemies Among Us" Best Suspense Novel of 2010, and awarding it the Golden Bookmark for Depth of Story and Character Development. I'm also giving an angel as a charm...and praying God protect the ones who work behind the scenes to keep us safe.

My thanks to my friends at Broadman and Holman for my copy. "Enemies Among Us" is released under the new "Fidelis" imprint, and is available go get a copy!

Happy Reading!



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