Have you ever wondered if God really, truly notices you? Amidst the billions of people on earth, that He not only takes NOTE of you, but PERSONALLY cares for YOU? If so, doubt no more!
SQuire Rushnell has created a unique ministry all about God Winks, those unexplainable moments where nothing else works as an explanation but God...well...winked at you. Took note of you. Met you personally in an intimate, personal way.
Like when Fred Travelena, famous impersonator, was diagnosed with cancer--twice. Usually, such a diagnosis is the end of a career. Instead, a perfectly timed article and a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame was the end result.
Or a pastor, wondering about his future direction, receiving a person-to-person phone call...at a random phone booth while on vacation. These stories may seem too fantastic to be believed...
...but isn't our God into doing the impossible? The unexpected? The personal? After all, sending Jesus to die for our sins, the perfect Son of God...that was impossible, unexpected, and personal.
So why can't He 'wink' at you whenever He chooses...to give you direction, or to let you know He's there and He cares. Take heart, you who are discouraged...He sees you.
I'm giving "When God Winks At You" gets four out of five bookmarks from me, with a huge heart as a charm. Thanks to my friends at Thomas Nelson for sending me this inspirational book!
Happy Reading!
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Sunday, November 8, 2009
When God Winks At You by SQuire Rushnell
Authored by
Deena Peterson
7:50 PM
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