Friday, June 8, 2007

Ever Present Danger by Kathy Herman

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I've been a fan of Kathy Herman's ever since I read "Tested by Fire". She has a way of taking a Biblical principle and illustrating it through her characters in a subtle but inescapable way.

In "Ever Present Danger" the theme is no compromise. From the beginning of the story we see how easy it is to allow the little things that we need to stay away from to creep into our lives. Before we know it, we're in over our heads and can't seem to find a way out.

Ivy Griffith is returning home after ten long years running away from events in her past. She longs to be who she once was, but the baggage from her life haunts her, including the one event that sent her spiralling down a path of drugs and self-destruction.

Brandon Jones has it made; the job of his dreams, the perfect wife, and a faith in God that is unshakeable. So when he hangs out with questionable Buzz, what's to worry about?? But events soon reveal the chinks in his armor and he ends up on a slippery slope himself.

Each is on a different path, but both illustrate the response we as believers need to have at even a hint of evil or sin in our lives. The events transpire in a fast-paced, can't-put-it-down story that will have you riveted.

Kathy is never preachy, but her novels are sermons in themselves. I have read every single one, and have NEVER been disappointed in the character development, storyline, or message of her work. "Ever Present Danger" is the first in the Phantom Hollow series, which is a very good thing!

Her characters are loosely connected, so I highly recommend starting your reading with "Tested by Fire" and continuing through that series of five, then going on to the Seaport series, ending up with this one. I envy you the joyous reading you're going to have!!

"Ever Present Danger" gets 5 bookmarks from me, with a bonus menu tassel from me...wishin' I could eat at the diner!!

Happy Reading!



Brittanie said...

Have you read any books by F.P. Lione. They feature a New York Cop named Tony Cavulluci. I love them. The fourth is coming out next month. :)

Denise said...

I love all of your reviews.