Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Very First Author Interview! YAY!!

I promise, I'll get better at this stuff:-)

Til then, my very first author interview with
Annette Smith:

What prompted you to write this story from the man's POV??

Actually, that's simply how the story came to me. No one else could have told Joel's story. It had to be him. This is the first, but not the last time I've written in the male POV. My next book is written in the first person voice of Manny Ortega, a Mexican ranch worker.

Any idea how many stories we can look forward to from Eden Plain?

At least one. A Crooked Path releases in October of this year.

Will we see more of Joel in coming stories?

Joel isn't the subject of the next Eden Plain book, but we do get a glimpse of him and Abe in their new hair salon.

What one thing do you want your readers to take away from your novels?

An emotional experience. I hope they are captivated by the characters and drawn into their lives. Many people tell me they are moved to both laughter and tears when they read my novels. Nothing pleases me more.

Any hope of a future "Ruby Prairie" novel?? (This was my token selfish question--to understand why I asked her other series:-)

I'm afraid not. I'm so glad you enjoyed that series. I too, love that cast of characters.

For more on Annette Smith's latest release, "A Bigger Life" and my review, click here.

To Annette: Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us:-)

Happy Reading!!


1 comment:

Nise' said...

My, but you are a pro at this, never would have guessed it was your first time! I have this book requested at the Library!