I had the chance to interview stellar author, Camy Tang, and we had SUCH fun! Even though we communicated via email, you can express a LOT through messages and icons!
Here's a glimpse at the author behind some of the best chick-lit, and now mystery/suspense, in the Christian market today:
1) Share with my readers a bit about your family.
Happy birthday, Deena! I hope your family did something fantastic for your today!
My family is always great about supporting and encouraging me. My mom was a high school English teacher, and she always encouraged me to read. When I said I wanted to be a writer, she and my dad never tried to discourage me with the reality that writers don’t make much money, and they never pushed me to be a doctor or lawyer or something with a more stable income.
My husband is wonderful, because he let me quit work for 6 months to see if I could gain some success in my writing career (at the end of 6 months, if I hadn’t gotten a contract, I’d get another job). At the end of those 6 months, I had a contract, and he has let me stay home to write ever since. He is very encouraging and is very proud of me.
2) You've created a lot of characters and a lot of stories! What 'sparks' your ideas for novels?
My ideas come from lots of places! I usually read something or watch something which is a jumping off point for my own ideas. Most of my romantic suspense plots come from TV (CSI, NCIS, etc.) and movies. Actually, that would be a good contest—if people email me with the title of the movie that inspired the villain in DEADLY INTENT, I’ll send them a beaded ribbon bookmark my mom made!
3) Your new novel is with Love Inspired Suspense. Can we expect more novels from you in this format?
I hope so! I’ve turned in a proposal for a story featuring Rachel, Naomi’s sister. Pray that Steeple Hill will contract it!
4) What's up next for you in the writing world?
My next book comes out in May 2010 from Zondervan, and it’s a humorous contemporary romance about a dog trainer! It’s called BAD DOG. (Isn’t that the best title? I think I like it because I tend to say that to my own dog an awful lot.)
Here’s a tentative back cover blurb:
Tessa Ota, a professional dog trainer, is having a bad year.
While moving ahead with renovation plans for her new dog kenneling and training facility, Tessa needs to move in with her disapproving mother and her antagonist sister. She convinces her ex-boyfriend to take her dog for a few months … but discovers that his brother is the irate engineer whose car she rammed a few weeks earlier.
Charles Bretton has enough problems. His mama has just shown up on his doorstep all the way from Louisiana, and his brother has to move in with him after being kicked out of his apartment—with a dog in tow. And guess who the dog’s owner is?
His brother’s slovenliness, Mama’s diabetic bouts with low blood sugar, and the dog’s bad behavior are all distracting Charles from his wedding plans with a woman whose family connections will help Charles in his career. But he can’t help being attracted to the dog trainer whose sunny smile masks her bitterness at hypocritical Christians, and he starts to wonder about his own professed faith.
Will Tessa’s disjointed family and Charles’s disruptive home prevent both of them from discovering what’s really important?
5) As a novelist, and as a believer, everything you do has a point to it, a reason and a purpose. What is the one thing you want your readers to take away from your writing?
I’ve noticed that I tend to have a theme through my books (so far, anyway), which is something I struggle with a lot—surrender to God. Complete giving of myself to Him, to His will, to His love, to all that He is.
I tend to write about characters who struggle to surrender to God in some way. I hope my books encourage readers toward that complete surrender to Him in their own lives, so that they can experience how absolutely beautiful God’s love for them is.
My favorite verses are Philippians 4:7-11 because they reiterate what I continue to strive toward in my life: complete abandonment to God.
But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
6) Where can my readers find you on the web and learn more about your work?
My website is http://www.camytang.com/, and I also blog daily at http://camys-loft.blogspot.com/ I hope to see people there!
Thanks for having me here, Deena!
Happy Reading!
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
On Tour with Camy Tang, Author of "Deadly Intent" and Our Exclusive Interview!
Authored by
Deena Peterson
9:00 AM
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The Good Book NetRing |
I didn't know that was what your next Z book was about. It sounds really cool.
And congrats on the release of Deadly Intent.
Thanks, Tina! And thanks for the interview, Deena!
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