About the Book:
Sometimes everything you ever learned about yourself is wrong
Fashion is a fickle industry, a frightening fact for twenty-four year old model Ivy Clark. Ten years in and she’s learned a sacred truth—appearance is everything. Nobody cares about her broken past as long as she looks beautiful for the camera. This is the only life Ivy knows—so when it starts to unravel, she’ll do anything to hold on. Even if that means moving to the quaint island town of Greenbrier, South Carolina, to be the new face of her stepmother’s bridal wear line—an irony too rich for words, since Ivy is far from the pure bride in white.
If only her tenuous future didn’t rest in the hands of Davis Knight, her mysterious new photographer. Not only did he walk away from the kind of success Ivy longs for to work maintenance at a local church, he treats her differently than any man ever has. Somehow, Davis sees through the façade she works so hard to maintain. He, along with a cast of other characters, challenges everything Ivy has come to believe about beauty and worth. Is it possible that God sees her—a woman stained and broken by the world—yet wants her still?
My Thoughts:
Katie Ganshert is more than an author. She is an artist; her words are her palette and her quill (or keyboard--less romantic) is her brush. She doesn't write novels; she creates masterpieces with her gifting from God Himself.
At least, that's what she did in "A Broken Kind of Beautiful."
Because, in some small way (or big way), we are all Ivy: searching for the one who will love us unconditionally, just because we are ourselves. And finding it through any means necessary, especially the more lies we believe about ourselves.
And we are all Davis, paying penance for sins too big for God to forgive and too heavy for us to truly carry. Problem is, our sacrifices are never enough...only Jesus will do. But how long will we carry our sins until we allow Him to nail them to His cross?
We are all Marilyn. Willing to offer that unconditional love and forgiveness, but constantly met by walls of resistance. Willing to suffer wound after wound, but only because the Father says to us 'never give up'.
Finally, we are all Sara, cursing the affliction that won't leave us anything but different, imperfect, flawed....until we surrender and see the blessing amid the pain. Then we realize that what may have been meant for harm was actual meant for our good, and even our best.
That's what you'll find in the pages of "A Broken Kind of Beautiful". My only quibble was the rushed epilogue. After investing so much time with these people, I felt as a reader I deserved a bit more than half a page on how it all turned out.
My thanks to my friends at Waterbrook Press for printing Katie's masterpiece, and my gratitude to my husband for buying me a copy when I said "I have to read this book!" You can find your copy in bookstores and online everywhere books are sold!
Happy Reading!

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