About the Book:
The isolated town of Beldon, Wisconsin, is shocked when a high school freshman’s body is found in Lake Algonquin. Just like everyone in the community, sixteen-year-old Daniel Byers believes that Emily Jackson’s death was accidental. But at her funeral, when he has a terrifying vision of her, his world begins to rip apart at the seams.
Convinced that Emily’s appearance was more than just a mere hallucination, Daniel begins to look carefully into her death, even as he increasingly loses the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality.
What’s real? What’s not? Where does reality end and madness begin?
My Thoughts:
As soon as I know a new novel by Steven James is about to hit shelves, I mark my calendar and wait impatiently...this guy knows how to write intense, grit your teeth, hang on till the end suspense! But when I heard he has crafted his first YA novel, I was eager...and a tad curious.
Could he write with the same intensity but on a level appropriate for teens and young adults?
The answer: YES! Oh, YES! And I am thrilled to introduce you to "Blur", the first book in a brand new series that really stretches the imagination and packs some thrilling suspense with a hit of supernatural.
You might be a tad confused as you start the book. Don't worry, that's to be expected. Steven is breaking new ground that authors such as Frank Peretti and Robert Liparulo blazed a trail for in the industry, but he goes deeper and the story just grows more rich and detailed.
You will be intensely curious about what happened to Emily Jackson. You will cheer for Daniel and his unusual gift. And you will want to tell him to kick his new love interest to the curb...but don't. Just...don't
Read this book after your teen reads it (or before to avoid spoilers from your children---at that tender age, they tend to blurt exciting stuff out, thus accidentally ruining the surprise for you. Trust me, I have teens and young adults I've raised. And now I know how Thor II ends without ever having seen the movie!)
I chased a rabbit trail there, but in all seriousness, this is a book that will appeal to teens, young adults and adults of all ages. Steven James is a master craftsman with the written word, and I cannot wait for the next book in this series!
My thanks to my friends at Amazon Children's Publishing for my copy via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Now, quit reading my review and get to a bookstore, or click to you favorite online bookseller and get. this. book.
Happy Reading!

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