Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Promises To Keep by Ann Tatlock

I'm so happy! I've found a new author to love! Ann Tatlock's newest release captivated me from the first page, and I'm eager for more of her rich, full-of-life stories!

"Promises To Keep" weaves the story of Rosalind (Roz) Anthony and her family together with delightful Tillie Monroe, the previous owner of their new home in Mills River. Um, make that 'current owner' least, in Tillie's mind.

You see, while Tillie was recovering in a care home, her sons sold the house she'd lived in for all of her married life. Seems Tillie had her heart set on dying in that very house...which is why Roz and her sister discovered her sitting on their front porch, pleased as punch to be 'back home'.

When Roz's mom ends up needing help with child care, Tillie simply moves into her rightful place in the Anthony household. Since beginning her life as a single mother, Roz's mom values every drop of help she can find.

And she has no intention of ever returning to her matter what Roz wishes for.

Surprises are in store for young Rosalind...surprises that will test family loyalty, friendship, and just what you can believe and count on in this life. This is a coming-of-age novel that truly demonstrates who makes "Promises To Keep".

Each character was pivotal to this story, but none more so than Tillie. I enjoyed every single page, and was disappointed when the story ended. I could have followed the Anthony family through an entire series of novels.

Ann Tatlock creates small town lives that are larger than life on the written page, lasting longer than just for the life of the story. I think I'll remember these new friends for a very, very long time.

And now I cannot wait to find more of Ann's stories to enjoy! It's always fun to find another 'must read' author, and I've most definitely found one for me. That's why I'm giving "Promises To Keep" five out of five bookmarks, with a house key as a charm.

My thanks to my friends at Bethany House for my copy of this wonderful book. Don't miss getting a copy for yourself today!

Happy Reading!



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