A New Small Group Resource that includes
the legendary insights of Dr. Warren Wiersbe
David C Cook releases four studies based on Dr. Wiersbe’s trusted Bible commentaries—the “BE” Series.
Finding good small group material can be tricky. Some studies look slick on the outside but lack the kind of depth that can help the group move from a social gathering to a place of spiritual intimacy. Other studies focus so heavily on information and detail that relational connection is an afterthought. More than ever there is a need for a balanced study guide that combines community building with in-depth Bible knowledge. Thankfully, both of these priorities can be made clear to your group with the help of one of the most influential, in-depth, and relational Bible scholars in modern history.
A man who has given his life to a deep examination of the Word of God, Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe is an internationally known Bible teacher, former pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, and the author of more than 150 books. For over thirty years, millions have come to rely on the timeless wisdom of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s “Be” Commentary series. Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary and insights on Scripture have helped readers understand and apply God’s Word with the goal of life transformation. Dubbed by many as the “pastor’s pastor,” Dr. Wiersbe skillfully weaves Scripture with historical explanations and thought-provoking questions, communicating the Word in such a way that the masses grasp its relevance for today.
The Wiersbe Bible Study Series will incorporate material from Warren’s popular series of expositional commentaries (known as the “Be Books”) into a small group Bible study format, consisting of a Bible book introduction, tips for small group study, self-introspective questions, and practical application. The studies will be Bible book specific and follow along with certain topics respective of how they are presented in the “Be Books.” The studies will not overshadow the actual commentary but instead give the reader just enough of a sampling of Wiersbe’s enduring wisdom that he will want to go out and read the rest of what Wiersbe has written.
Studies to be released this spring include:
· Galatians—Offers believers the alternative of exchanging legalism for true spirituality. (ISBN: 978-1-4347-6509-3/softcover/128 pages/$8.99)
· Proverbs—A rich study of the fundamental truths from God’s guidebook on wise living. (ISBN: 978-4347-6511-6/softcover/144 pages/$8.99)
· 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon—Encouragement from the writings of Paul on what it means to press on and never give up. (ISBN: 978-1-4347-6510-9/softcover/128 pages/$8.99)
· Matthew—An exploration of the remarkable life of Christ and wise teaching on what it means to follow the King of Kings. (ISBN: 978-1-4347-6512-3/softcover/144 pages/$8.99)
Acclaimed worldwide as a pastoral resource for international leaders, the “Be” series has inspired these companion study guides—The Wiersbe Bible Study Series—so that each study guide correlates with the appropriate “Be” book. David C Cook plans to release additional editions of the series over the next few years.
David C Cook/January 2010
My husband is a pastor. He has used the "Be" series by Dr. Wiersbe many times as he prepares his messages and lessons. Currently he is preaching a series of messages through 1st Peter, and he often refers to Dr. Wiersbe's study of 1st Peter. We both highly recommend this series to both ministers and any who desire to know God's Word deeply.
Happy Reading!

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