Sunday, March 1, 2009

Author of the Month--Presenting Marlo Schalesky!


We just spent a happy and joyous (and LONG prayed for) weekend with our daughter, Erin, so I'm a bit behind on my blogging duties.

BUT, I'm DELIGHTED to announce our March Author Of the Month is one of my favorite "romance with a twist" writers, Marlo Schalesky! This will whet your appetite for more...which is coming soon, beginning tomorrow.

In the meantime, check out my review of her books by typing in the Blogger search bar "Marlo Schalesky"...I have a few favorites in my archives.

Welcome to My Bookshelf, Marlo! This will be fun:0)

Happy Reading!


P.S. We met MaryLu in February, but last month was not a better month for me, so I'll be writing my farewell to her soon. Plan on getting to know her better during another Author of the Month special feature...she didn't get the "full treatment", and that is no one's fault but mine. What a gracious lady she is...and she can write some FEISTY heroines, let me tell you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deena, you have once again picked an author that I've never read, though not for lack of interest! :-) Thank you for promoting these authors and helping move them from my "I'd like to read" to "I must read" list! :-) I'm looking forward to learning more about Marlo!