Monday, November 10, 2008

Let Them Eat Fruitcake by Melody Carlson


Can we be honest here? Life is messy, and so is faith. There's only one way to Heaven, and that's Jesus...after that, our faith journey is what we make of it. Now, suppose you put four twenty-something women in one house, at all different stages of faith, and expect them to live together?

You get Melody Carlsons's new series, "86 Bloomberg Place"! In the second novel, life is ever-more-messed up and drama-packed. "Let Them Eat Fruitcake" takes us deeper into the lives of Kendall, Megan, Anna and Lelani...the women of Bloomberg Place.

Megan is facing Christmas alone for the first time after her dad passed away, and struggles with her emotions and her mom's needs. Lelani can't seem to let go of her past and enjoy her newfound relationship with Gil. Anna is struggling between two potential boyfriends---which one is the real deal?

And Kendall? Oh, don't get me started on her! The plan she cooks up in this volume will make you shake your head and wonder what in the world God will ever be able to do with her!

Trust me, God has a plan for these four women, and He has plan for yours as well. These four are fictional proof that you can never run too far, do too much, or fall too hard for God to forgive and to use you.

I'm so invested in these four young women you can be sure I'll be reviewing the next two novels when they release. Until then, I'm giving "Let Them Eat Fruitcake" four out of five bookmarks with a teeny-tiny fruitcake as a charm...but beware it if Kendall's been around!

Happy Reading!



Alyce said...

This sounds like it would be a fun read!

Brandi in TX said...

Looks like you feel about the same way about Kendall as I do. lol

Nise' said...

Will look forward to this one as I just got I Heart Bloomberg.

Kim said...

Ooooo! These women are a mess! That first book was drama to the max!


Janna said...

I also read the first one and would love to read this one - my kids and I were discussing just yesterday what fruitcake was :-)

ryanx6 at msn dot com