Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What In The Word Is Going On? by Dr. David Jeremiah


I'm not a Biblical prophecy nut by any means, but there is a time and a place for everything. All you have to do is watch 30 minutes of the day's news or read the most recent headlines to wonder, what in the world is going on??

Dr. David Jeremiah's new book answers many of the questions that are buzzing around the water cooler these days. His timely analysis of world events in the light of prophetic Scripture is one of the easiest to understand and to follow that I've had the pleasure of reading.

Highly recommend by one of my new heroes, Joel Rosenberg, Dr. Jeremiah's book tackles ten prophetic signs that simply can no longer go ignored. He examines trends in Modern Europe and the Middle East, the importance of Israel in end times events--something we cannot take for granted people!, and how oil reserves and the supply and demand figure into the equation.

Citing document after document from both sides of the end times argument, Dr. Jeremiah builds what I consider an ironclad case for the imminent changing tide in the world today. He also cites Scripture after Scripture, careful not to pull any out of context in order to fit his own personal beliefs, but to let the Word of God speak for itself.

Dr. Jeremiah is careful to back up his statements as well. His reference section and his footnotes are littered with both text and online references that are easily checked out (I know...I checked as many as I could before publishing this review!). He is a man who knows how to read the signs and yet not appear an alarmist.

While I adore Joel Rosenberg's "Epicenter", that book is like drinking from a fire hose! Dr. Jeremiah's book is no less intense, but it is must reading. I highly encourage anyone who has any questions about today's world events to read. this. book.

Even skeptics can glean something from this read. It may be frustration, but hey...that's something! His chapter on the rapture lifted my heart and SO encouraged me! That alone is worth the price of the book...but wait! There's more!

Dr. Jeremiah also documents PAST United States historical events that have either been forgotten or wiped from our nation's historical recall. And he documents every statement with a factual account you can research yourself. Hard to poke holes in something like this!

I'm so excited about this book! Can you tell?? As I said at the beginning, I'm not a prophecy nut. I had end times theology rammed down my throat as a small child and all through my growth in the church. BUT, now is the time to educate ourselves, lest we be caught off guard when Jesus returns.

Because He IS coming again...whether people believe it or not. I'm SO glad it doesn't hinge on belief, but merely on His Word! Aren't you?? I'm giving "What In The World Is Going On?" the golden bookmark with a golden tassel, and putting it on my Christmas gift list for family who keep asking me that question:

What In The WORLD Is Going ON??

Read this...and you'll KNOW.

Happy Reading!


P.S. Be WARNED: You'll never see tolerance, Muslims, or Israel the same way ever again!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I would certainly love to read this!! David Jeremiah has a way of making the difficult things plain to me.
