Monday, June 2, 2008

The Queen of Sleepy Eye by Patti Hill


I loved Patti Hill's "Garden Gate series", so I was excited to get a copy of her newest release from Broadman and Holman, due out in September 2008! With this new novel, we get to see a completely different style of writing from a very talented author.

"The Queen of Sleepy Eye" opens with a modern day phone call from Francie to daughter Amy, all about an old Pontiac she used to own. It is critical that Amy hunt down that particular car, but a mystery as to why it is so important.

The hunt for the Pontiac takes Amy back to when she was seventeen on on a road trip with Mom Francine to college in California. Unfortunately, a broken down transmission ends them up in the tiny town of Cordial, and caretakers of an odd funeral home.

But as Amy deals with her resentment for her mother's free lifestyle, her struggles with her faith in God, and typical teenaged longing for a special love to come along, she ends up learning far more than college ever would have taught her.

A wrong relationship gone very sour helps bind Amy and Francie together, and ultimately helps lead Francie to a discovery of her own. But the mystery surrounding the car? I'll leave that for YOU to discover when you pick up your copy of "The Queen of Sleepy Eye" this September.

I'm giving this new release from a favorite author four out of five bookmarks, with a tiara as a charm...minus a few rhinestones:-)

Happy Reading!


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