Sunday, February 17, 2008

One Month To Live by Kerry & Chris Shook


Have you ever seen a book and just knew by the cover design that it was going to be a great read? I know, I know...don't judge a book by its cover:-)

But in this case, I was R.I.G.H.T.!!

"One Month To Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook is truly a life transforming book. Centered on the premise of what would you do if you knew you only had one month to live, the Shooks say "Why wait until then?"

This book is both inspiring and empowering. And it's easy to read! Divided into daily devotions that last (surprise!) thirty days, "One Month To Live" is perfect for your quiet time or for a personal study.

Each daily reading has stopping points called "Make It Count Moments" for you to ponder or discuss, and ends with "Make It Last Forever" features that take what you've read and give you an opportunity for application.

The book is divided into four sections based on four priciples: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, and Leave Boldly. Each is developed fully in the daily readings that impact every area of life, and contain challenges that may be familiar, but give you a fresh look at these life principles.

My only complaint is one you've heard before: not enough Scripture. I'm certain, based on the homework I've done, that the Shooks are biblically sound. Still, you'd be amazed at the whack theology being published these days, and I stay concerned for the readers who don't know enough Scripture to be discerning in what they read.

However, "One Month To Live" averages two passages of Scripture from a variety of translations per daily reading, which is more than I've seen in many books lately. Me being me, I just want me some more:-)

Another very cool feature to this book is the companion website that the reader is encouraged to visit on a daily basis. I took a peek at the website, and I was SO impressed I've bookmarked it as a favorite to check out more thoroughly.

All in all, I found "One Month To Live" a book worth owning, and I personally plan on reading it as it was intended--a month long daily devotional. Who knows--you may see some of what I learn pop up on my other blog, Wholly Devoted (yes, I have another blog---didn't you KNOW that:-)?

So, I'm giving "One Month To Live" five out of five bookmarks, wishing for more Scripture in it, with a daily planner as a remind us to not only live one day at a time, but to live each day to the fullest!

To visit the Shook's website, click here.

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have almost finished reading the book and I have really enjoyed it.

And I agree with you on the cover too.