Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's My One Year Bloggoversary!!!


Can you believe it! I've been reading and reviewing books for you for an entire year, and what a year it has been!

I've reviewed nearly 600 books, done more than a dozen interviews, and given away hundreds of books.

Plus, I've met some wonderful friends and authors (who are NOW friends!) along the way. This has been an amazing journey, and it's only the beginning. I have great books coming your way, some fun stuff planned, and hopefully, lots more giveaways!


It may be MY bloggoversary, but I'm giving YOU the gifts, because, quite frankly, without you, this wouldn't be nearly as much fun! So, leave me a comment with your favorite book/author/review, and I'm drawing some winners...

I'm going to be drawing 6 winners for things such as $5.00 Starbucks gift cards (2 winners), bookmarks (3 winners), and a $12.00 gift certificate to (get it, a year = 12 months...).

PLUS, one winner will win a box of my favorite books from last year, with maybe one or two from this year so far...

Titles will include:

Around the World in 80 Dates by Christa Bannister

A Promise to Remember by Kathryn Cushman

Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson

Savannah Comes Undone by Denise Hildreth

Presumed Guilty by James Scott Bell

And maybe one or two just never know!

So, get to commenting...I'm picking my winners on February 5th, my oldest daughter's 21st birthday (that way I won't forget!)...and tell a friend to come and take A Peek At My Bookshelf!!

Oh, and by the way...happy birthday to my youngest, my son who turns 14 today! Happy Birthday, Book Kid!

Happy Reading!



Barbara H. said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Kathryn Cushman said...

Happy Bloggoversary, Deena! I'm looking forward to many more great years to come!

Brittanie said...

Congrats! I love your blog. I have lots of favorite authors including Dee Henderson(absolute favorite),Susan May Warren, Diann Hunt, Hope Lyda,Sally John and more... lol I have you to thank for more than one book purchase including Sally John. lol Thank you.

Kim said...

Happy Blogoversary! We have boys the same age! My oldest just turned 14 too! How cool is that? I hope my first year in the blog world is as fun as yours! Thanks for all you do to make my blogging experience so much fun!


Nise' said...

Happy Blogoversary to you! Thank you for sharing your love of books with us! I have read some excellent books on your recommendations. Happy Birthday to Book Kid!! My two nieces (sisters) were born on Feb. 5 too! One will be 30 and the other 27!

NeedANap2 said...

Happy Bloggoversary (one g or two?)!!!! I'm so happy that you've made it through one year and been able to review 600 books! That is amazing! Keep 'em coming. :)

windycindy said...

What a milestone for you! Congratulations to you! I wish your many more Blogaversaries!!!!! Thanks for sponsoring fantastic giveaways. I appreciate them.....Thanks,Cindi

Priscilla? (said in voice of me) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deborah said...

happy anniversary!!! sorry about previous comment, i didn't realize it was signed on my sister's name.

your blog is one of my daily stops every day!

Maude Lynn said...

Six hundred books in a year? That is unbelievable!

Congratulations on your bloggoversary and happy birthday to Book Kid!

Oh, and my favorite author is Stephen King!

Stacey Moore said...

being a teacher i read more children books than adult books!! i am a fan of christopher paul curtis, sharon creech, katherine patterson, and i could go on an on!! thanks for a great giveaway!

Delete said...

Yeah! Happy Blogiversary, Deena! I have enjoyed reading all of your reviews over the past year!


Bebemiqui said...

Happy Blogoversary girl! I know my reading's benefited from your site :0)

Andrea said...

Happy Blogaverary! I'd love to be entered into your contest as well! :)

lace said...

Happy Bloggoversary! I have enjoyed reading your reviews and am so happy to have found your site.

Thanks for the books I have won in the past.

This looks like a great contest.

Anonymous said...

Happy Bloggoversary Deena!!

I blogged this in my post:

Rashmi said...

Congrats! Isn't it an amazing feeling?

And count me in on the book giveaways too. I'm also going to post about them on my book review/contest blog - A Book Blogger's Diary

Hope that's ok with you. Thanks!

Erz said...

Wow, congratulations! Happy Bloggoversary!


twiga92 said...

Ooh, sign me up!

Happy Blogiversary! It's addicting, huh?

Unknown said...

Happy blogoversary Deena,

I enjoy your reviews and have found some books I'd never have considered without seeing your blog.

I've only been doing the blog thing since August but you are way ahead of me in terms of the number of books. I'm lucky to get through 3 books or so in a week - almost 2 a day I'd have to do nothing but read (of course that would be enticing if I had the time to do so).


Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary Deena!
600 books, duedette u have outdone me on reading!

phxbne said...

Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

Maureen said...

Happy Bloggoversary! That's amazing-600 books in one year. I hope 2008 is even better for you.

Amy said...

I enjoy reading your blog, thanks for the chance to win a special treat!

ReviewsbyHeidi said...

Wow! I have no idea how you read that many books in a year, but it's certainly time to celebrate!
Happy Blogoversary!

Amy said...

I hope you'll enter me!

My favorite book series is the Mark of the Lion trilogy.

Jenny said...

Happy Bloggoversary!!! I had no idea that there was someone out there that loved to read as much as me!

Heather said...

yay for a year of blogging and Happy Birthday to your son.

Jennifer Beaver said...

Count me in! :)

Julie Donahue said...

Happy Blogversary! Many happy returns!

momofmhasr said...

Happy blogoversary.

Momala said...

Happy Blogoversary! You're having a great giveaway! Count me in. Thanks!!!

Megan said...

Thanks for this awesome giveaway, I would love to be entered to win!

CrystalGB said...

Happy Blogoversary! Please count me in the giveaway.

Katy said...

WOW!!!! What an awesome give away!!! Please count me in! Happy Blogoversary! :)

Owner said...

happy blogoversary!! what a busy year you've had!

Katie said...

What a GREAT giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!!


Chantelle said...

this is so cool! happy blogoversary and birthday to your kiddos!

Katie Swaner said...

count me in. thanks.

Angela said...

Too, too cool! I loved looking around your blog. Thank you for your great offer!

Someone Being Me said...

Happy blog-a-versary! I'm just a wee tadpole of a blog at 3 months old. Make sure to stop by and sign up for my Sephora giveaway.

Liz Zelie said...

I love reading as well - I'm glad I discovered your blog. I sure could use some new books during these winter months! Thanks for the generous anniversary giveaway!

The Chatty Housewife said...

Great giveaway. Please enter me!


Team Zachary said...

Love it!!! Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

Pick me, Pleeeeeeeeeeez! Thanks for the chance to win.

Happy Blogaversary to you~

M.E. said...

Congrats to you!
Great giveaway! Enter me, too!

sweetsue said...

I love all of Anne Tylers books. Happy Blogsversary. After I finish entering all these contests, I will come back and read your book reviews.

heidi @ ggip said...

Congratulations on your milestones! Good for you. My favorite book right now I reviewed here. It isn't a great review, but it was a great book!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner!! :)

happy blogiversary! :)

Tyna said...

Very cool giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary! Please enter me in your fun drawing!

Infinity Goods said...

Happy Birthday to everyone including your blog; and congratulations too!
Thank you for the chance to win. I'm a reading addict so ...

Missy said...

Count me in!

jayedee said...

what a great giveaway! please throw my name in the hat too! good luck to everyone!

Britni said...

Come on I need a new book!

Shannon said...

I'm always game for a new book :)

Count me in!

L said...

Happy blogoversary. I appreciated your review of Ortberg's When the Game is Over, It all Goes Back in the Box as I've been considering reading it.

ohAmanda said...

Happy Anniversary!

I've loved your blog! (Even tho' I haven't commented in forever...)

And your new layout is CUUUUTE!

My fave? Well, there's too many! Peretti, Thoenes, Musser, Gunn

Snowbird said...

Continued Happy Blogging. And what a neat giveaway. I love to read new authors and this sounds right up my alley.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Wow! I need to learn how to do what you do (can they clone you?) I love to read sooo much - I ought to try to make a job out of it too. Finally - a job I would love. Thanks for your giveaway.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! Happy Blogoversary! Mine is coming up too and a giveaway is the perfect way to celebrate. I would love to be entered!

Hannah said...

Happy Blogoversary! I'd love to win the contest! hsmuda[at]gmail[dot]com thanks!