Monday, October 22, 2007

:even Thumps and the Gateway to Foo by Obert Skye

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I'm always on the lookout for books for my two children to read. My son is a 13 year old avid reader, and he is a challenge to keep up with! He loves mysteries like his Mama, but he also is a huge fantasy freak. So when I find a good, clean fantasy series to share with him, that is an exciting moment.

This is one of those moments!

"Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo" is a book I picked up and put back several times. I mean, "Foo"? Come on!

But the story of Foo is about the land where dreams and fantasies and imagination are created. The evil Sabine, who is a nit(!) is trying to merge the world of Foo with our reality, which will leave us all unable to dream or create ever again.

Like all good villains, he doesn't care.

But Geth, Leven, Clover and Winter all care. Geth is the royal heir to Foo, and he has been transformed into a tiny acorn seed for his safety. Of course, now he is merely an enchanted...well, you'll have to read it to see...but you won't believe it!

Leven Thumps is an orphaned boy whom nobody wants and whom nobody hardly notices...and he is the heir apparent to Foo. Clover is his sycophant (pronounced sick-o-funt) and HE IS ADORABLE AND FUNNY! Winter, another unwanted by society, is actually a resident of Foo, voluntarily transplanted to our world in order to help Leven reach Foo.

The story is obviously written for the young or the young at heart, but I found it hilarious and imaginative and totally wholesome. I'd read it again, just for the Clover scenes and the Foo gotta get the book just for that alone!

"Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo" kicks off a series of three books thus far. I Give it four out of five bookmarks, and my Mom's Wholesome Stamp of Approval rating as well. This series will satisfy the fantasy lover in any child age 8 and up...older kids will definitely get the humor and satire.

I'll be reading the other two books during the Fall Into Reading challenge, so watch for more reviews of Leven and company! And visit Obert Skye's's an imagination's dream!

Happy Reading!


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