I know better.
I tell my readers this All. The. Time.
Never, EVER begin a Brandilyn Collins novel unless you have a full day of uninterrupted reading time. And NEVER start one at night before bed.
Silly me! I just couldn't wait!
So my bleary eyes just finished reading it and I have to say...you think you know an author, and then they go and write something so amazing you find yourself speechless at how magnificent and well crafted their newest creation truly is.
Carla Radling, realtor extraordinaire of Kanner Lake, believes she has finally made the sale of her career...the infamous Edna San estate. Instead, she finds herself on the run for her life...
...and she doesn't know why.
Tanya Evans, single mom and innocent bystander, has a dark encounter of her own..."With one word, I can make you disappear."
And so begins the newest rollercoaster ride written by the Queen, the author of Seatbelt Suspense: welcome to "Crimson Eve".
I love Brandilyn's opening author's note to her readers in each of these wonderful novels. And she is correct in saying the ride in "Crimson Eve" is far, far different from the ride in "Coral Moon". But it is no less exciting, and far, far more heart wrenching.
This story is so tightly woven that the twists and turns, although natural to the story, have a tendency to knock the reading wind out of you, make you gasp for just enough air to turn the next page, and cause you to invest so much into the characters that you're shocked to find they aren't real people.
But more than just fantastic suspense, they pack a powerful spiritual punch as well, and it is always delivered in love and clarity. So, what's the spiritual message of "Crimson Eve"?
On the surface, I'd say, "Be sure your sins will find you out." Only Brandilyn goes deep enough to bubble on her Biblical truths...because even when your sins find you out, God is still there with open and nail-scarred hands to hold you and a willingness to say, "I forgive."
I love what Leslie Brymes, everybody's favorite news hound and the heroine from "Coral Moon" has to say about this: "It's like...like stumbling around in a dark room. You'd turn on the light, right? You'd still be in the room, but at least you could see where you're going."
And you'll keep the light burning late into the night to get to the unbelievable ending of "Crimson Eve"...but I'M not spilling any BEANS about the SCENES in Kanner Lake's latest thriller.
I give "Crimson Eve" six out of five bookmarks, with a tiny red suitcase as a charm...and inside, a cell-phone for emergencies...'cause you should never be without your phone:-)
Now, how long until Amber Morn releases, Brandilyn??
Happy Reading!
Wow.. makes me want to read the book. *grin* Which is the whole purpose anyway. I love books that makes you want to know the characters and want to learn more about them.
Well written review.
Robin in CA
Love your review!
I can't wait to read this one! You are so right about not starting one of her books unless you can finish it and NEVER at night when you are alone or everyone is sleeping... I Love it!
Now that was an awesome story! I just finished it. Wow!
Great review, Deena. I'm with you on every point. Brandilyn's best, in my opinion.
And oh my, but you read and review a lot of books! I wish I was that proficient a reader..
Rebecca LuElla Miller
That's a wonderful review, Deena! Makes me very interested in the book. Thanks for letting us know about so many great books!
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