Friday, August 3, 2007


Now, this was a HUGE giveaway, and I don't normally do this. But "Fearless" is the second in a trilogy, and I absolutely ADORE this series! So not only does this person win a hardbacked copy of "Fearless", but I'm throwing in a paperback copy of "Relentless", book one!

What?? Oh, you want to know the NAME of the winner??

Why, it's................

John's Wife (John Divito)

Now, John's wife, I don't have any way of contacting you. So, send me your snail mail address by the end of next week, or I'll have to draw another name, ok?? And I really don't want to have to do that...

Stay tuned today for information on NEXT WEEK'S giveaway!!

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

John Divito said...

Yeah!! I rarely win anything. I love books!

John's wife