Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Every Girl Gets Confused by Janice Thompson

About the Book:

Katie Fisher and Brady James may be a match made in heaven, but that doesn't seem to guarantee them a happily ever after accompanied by angelic choirs. In fact, the sounds being heard at the bridal shop where she works are on the contentious side lately, as a bride- and groom-to-be try to mediate the growing rivalry between their basketball-obsessed families in the middle of play-off season.

On top of that, Katie's parents are nagging her to get out of Dallas and come home to tiny Fairfield where her former boyfriend Casey is waiting for her, ready to rekindle their relationship. Oy vey! What's a girl to do? And will she ever be able to wear that gorgeous wedding dress she won?

The breezy fun continues as Janice Thompson throws everyone's favorite small-town girl into big-city bridal chaos--and makes her choose between the love she thought she lost and the love she stumbled upon in the aftermath.

My Thoughts:

I love all of Janice's books, but this one is my favorite!  And, yes, I say that about every new book she writes.  Her books are always full of faith, fun, and fantastic imaginary people.

But, don't be fooled.  Her prime genre is romantic comedy, but her books cover so much more.  Take Katie Fisher for example.  She's finally found the love of her life--or has she?  When Prospect #1 comes moseying back into her life...is he the one?  She's so confused!

And look at Brady James.  A knee injury and subsequent surgery had him sidelined.  But he's meant to be helping his very busy, very popular, and very overworked mom with her bridal shop.  Or is he meant to return to the court?  He's so confused!

Add in a late-in-life love story, some weird relatives, and the combustible combo of love and marriage and you've got a book that grabs you with the first line and doesn't let go until you've devoured--I mean, read--the epilogue.

My only issue with a book by Janice?  Poor woman can't write fast enough to satisfy her readers...and that's a VERY good thing!

The characters in Every Girl Gets Confused have so much depth, and the situations they deal with are so every day life it's easy to empathize.  The reader engages with these fictional people in a way that is unique to a Janice Thompson novel. 

My thanks to my friends at Revell Publishing for my complimentary copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  Highly recommended!

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