About the Book:
Have you ever felt the need to bite your tongue or grit your teeth? Grin with Grace explores ways to genuinely smile in the face of adversity and challenging circumstances. Sometimes, we just need to grin with grace! God blesses us with His grace, and it impacts our relationship with Him and with others.
Each chapter features five sections:
• Grin with Grace contains real-life stories and observations. You’ll laugh at the humorous confessions and wacky insights, and relate to Kathy’s transparent honesty. Be inspired to see grace in your everyday life.
• Grow with Grace features a grace word study. Kathy examines Bible verses and personalizes the meaning to your situation. Workbook prompts allows you to write down your thoughts as you read along.
• Go with Grace offers life application. Pick one action step and make it work for you, or pick all of them—but do something to live out your grace-walk.
• Give with Grace advances life application further, equipping you to become an instrument of God’s grace to others. You’ll be inspired to take what you’ve learned and give it away to others. This is when faith becomes ministry—when your focus expands to see the needs of others.
• Your Grin with Grace Challenge describes a grace-challenging scenario to give you an opportunity to exercise your newfound grace. It allows for speculation and judgment calls, to prepare you for the what-ifs that happen in life.
My Thoughts:
Kathy Carlton Willis practices what she teaches, and she extended a tremendous amount of grace to me! Although I missed out on the week long book tour, I was able to read over half of the chapters, and this is by far one of the best studies I've had the privilege of reading!
"Grin With Grace" is a unique concept. We hear a lot and read a lot about grace, but when's the last time you heard grace combined with grinning? That alone is enough to convince me to take a peek. But the hearty meat inside the pages convince me this is a study desperately needed by today's church.
Kathy includes so many wonderful bit and bobs in this study: real life stories, lots of Bible verses and passages, actual life application that is real and tangible, as well as a challenge with each chapter of the book.
How do I know Kathy uses real, everyday life in her book? I've found myself in nearly every single situation she describes, and more often than not, grinning with grace was not my first response. But, I'm learning how to grin and how to do it with an abundance of grace from my Father.
My thanks to Kathy for not only her grace but her study book in exchange for a honest (albeit late) review. I love this study...every thing about it is appealing and packs a tender punch. I'm loaning my copy to our women's ministry leader to hopefully persuade her this should be our next study!
"Grin with Grace" is highly recommended,
Happy Reading!
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