About the Book:
Ellyn DeMoss -- chef, café owner, and lover of butter -- is hiding behind
her extra weight. But what is she hiding? While Ellyn sees the good in others,
she has only condemnation for herself. So when a handsome widower claims he’s
attracted to Ellyn, she’s certain there’s something wrong with him.
Sabina Jackson -- tall, slender, and exotic -- left her husband, young
adult daughters, and a thriving counseling practice to spend a year in Northern
California where she says she’s come to heal. But it seems to Ellyn that
Sabina’s doing more hiding than healing. What’s she hiding from? Is it
Twila Boaz has come out of hiding and is working to gain back the pounds
she lost when her only goal was to disappear. When her eating disorder is
triggered again, though she longs to hide, she instead follows God and fights
for her own survival. But will she succeed?
As these women’s lives intertwine, their eyes open to the glory within each
of them as they begin to recognize themselves as being created in God’s
My Thoughts:
I first discovered Ginny Yttrup when I received a copy of her debut novel, "Words", and I was in love. Ginny's writing was lyrical, intense, and emotional, and her characters resonated in my soul. I was hooked, and I was spreading the word about this new author to watch.
Then I read "Lost and Found"; it was good, but not as good. Just didn't strike the same chord with me. I enjoyed it, but some of the magic seemed to be gone. Still, when I learned Ginny had a third book coming out, I was excited.
Oh. My. Word.
May I just say "GORGEOUS BOOK"!! "Invisible" has the heart power of "Words" times three or four or even to the tenth power. We have three female leads, and each woman spoke to the broken places in my little girl heart in mighty ways.
First was Ellyn. I've had a battle with my weight my entire life, one that continues on to this day. My wonderful man tells me how gorgeous I am every day, and I respond with a 'yeah, right', and some crack about bad eyesight. Oh, how I get Ellyn! I adored her from page one, and she made me laugh, cry and think about myself in new ways.
Then I met Sabina...tall, slender, exotic. Nothing at all in common with me, right? WRONG! She was on the run from hurts she couldn't fix and seeking to hide instead of heal. Oh, how many times have I done the very same thing. Thank God for the Ellyn's in my life who pushed through my walls of defense and brought Jesus to me!
And Twila. Dear, sweet broken Twila. Recovering from an eating disorder brought on by rejection from the most important man in her life, I had nothing to relate to. WRONG again! After battling bulimia all through high school and college, I could totally get where Twila was coming from.
And she is SUCH a sweetie! You just want to reach into the book and wrap your arms around her and pray over her. When all three women connect, something supernatural happens and it is a beautiful sight to see. I can't say enough about how amazing and powerful this book is.
Ginny has surpassed all of my hopes for a great story and written a life-changing work of fiction that every single woman in the world must read. With a variety of main characters you are certain to find someone who speaks to your soul. And these women are perfectly flawed, just waiting for God to step in and do a mighty miracle.
I received an advance copy via NetGalley from B&H Fiction in exchange for an honest review. I honestly cannot recommend this one highly enough. Might just be the best book I read this year...truly. "Invisible" is available now...go get a copy. And get one for a friend.
Do not miss "Invisible".
Happy Reading!
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