Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
(Kregel Publications February 29, 2008)
Matthew Raley

Matthew Raley is senior pastor of the Orland Evangelical Free Church in northern California, where he lives with his wife and two young children. For fun, he enjoys playing chamber music with friends, giving occasional solo recitals, and playing first violin in the North State Symphony. This is his first book.

Jim was at work when his eyes drifted to the coffee shop visible from his office window. An attractive woman driving a Mercedes pulled up to the curb . . . and Jim’s married pastor emerged from the car. When Jim delves deeper into his pastor’s world, will he be able to handle what he discovers? Is he right to suspect that Dave is having an affair? In the behind-the-scenes church battle that ensues, Jim is torn between duty to his church and a desire to show grace. A ripped-from-the-headlines drama of suspense that keeps you engaged to the last page.
Fallen is the story about Jim’s relationship with Dave—how Jim tries to do the right thing to keep Dave accountable, but finds the situation getting worse and worse. It’s also about Jim’s other relationships. Just as he discovers hypocrisy in Dave, Jim discovers his own sins against his wife and daughter.
MY THOUGHTS THUS FAR: Now, this was a debut novel that I REALLY looked forward to getting. I haven't given up on it yet, but I'm struggling with it. Most of the action...well, it isn't action. The majority of the story takes place in Jim's thoughts, and that's just not my style. However, since this was one I looked forward to so very much, I will continue to read.
So watch for my FULL review coming soon...hoping for a good one! And, hey, Matthew is a pastor not far from where I grew up:-) To get your own peek at this one, click here.
Happy Reading!
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