Hey, all!
I just wanted to give my readers a head's up...
Beginning Monday, October 15th...
I'll be giving away not one...not two...not three...not even four books...
I'm giving away over SIX books!!! So spread the word!
Happy Reading!
Authored by
Deena Peterson
9:30 AM
The Good Book NetRing |
You amaze me!
Alrighty! I did so and even swiped, I mean borrowed your picture.
Hey Deena - plenty of giveaways at my blog too and guess what, you have won one!! So rush over and have a look!!!!
I'm giving away 2 books this week too! http://creativetree.typepad.com/treeswingreading/2007/10/giving-away-dem.html
Thanks for your referrals! You are so kind!
Tami from tree swing reading
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