Oh, I'm so nervous...do I have anything in my teeth?
Wait a minute...you can't see...oh, gosh!!!!
Ok, here goes...
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Zondervan (April 27, 2007)
Brandilyn Collins

Brandilyn and her family divide their time between the California Bay Area and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
She also maintains an informative blog called Forensics and Faith where she daily dispenses wisdom on writing, life, and the Christian book industry.

The figure remained still as stone. Leslie couldn't even detect a breath.
Spider fingers teased the back of her neck.
Leslie's feet rooted to the pavement. She dropped her gaze to the driveway, seeking...what? Spatters of blood? Footprints? She saw nothing. Honed through her recent coverage of crime scene evidence, the testimony as last month's trial, the reporter in Leslie spewed warnings: Notice everything, touch nothing...
Leslie Brymes hurries out to her car on a typical workday morning...and discovers a dead body inside.
Why was the corpse left for her to find? And what is the meaning of the message pinned to its chest?
In Coral Moon, the senseless murder of a beloved Kanner Lake citizen spirals the small Idaho town into a terrifying glimpse of spiritual forces beyond our world. What appears true seems impossible.
And as Brandilyn would say...
I read "Violet Dawn" and fell in love with the town of Kanner Lake and it's citizenry. But I'd heard things about "Coral Moon"...that it is edgier than anything Brandilyn has written...so when I got my copy, I held it, looked through it...and waited a bit to dive into it.
For me, holding a Brandilyn Collins novel is kind of like approaching the huge new ride at 6 Flags...you know you wanna, but your insides are like Jell-O in an earthquake!!
I began reading "Coral Moon" last night at 9:30...last time I looked at my clock it was after midnight... In a word: INTENSE!!!
Brandilyn doesn't disappoint in this new release. The characters we loved are back, and we still love them. Paige is now sharing a house with Leslie Williams, our beloved news reported.
Still riding high from her Edna Sans murder investigation television interview, Leslie is determined to break the story that will propel her to the top of the fold in news reporting...above the fold, actually, and maybe into the offices of a larger newspaper.
But a dead body in her car grinds those plans to a halt, and calls into question everything Leslie is striving for. What really matters in life? What are we really here for? And who in their not-right mind put that body in her car?
The worst question of them all...will there be more murders...and are they tied to someone? Leslie? Paige? Who?
The twists and turns in this one are hairpin sharp. The evil is thick...but the power of God is SO able to take it on! If I had to hazard a guess as to what two things Brandilyn wishes her readers gain from her novels, it would be:
1) Evil is nothing to mess around with.
2) God is still on the throne, and the power of prayer is our greatest weapon in our battle against evil.
Truly, the power of prayer is driven home to me in each of Brandilyn's novels; never more so than in this one. That is a great thing to take away from a piece of fiction...AND I also get the thrill ride of a lifetime in each book! Brandilyn isn't called the Queen of Seatbelt Suspense for nothin'!!
One piece of advice...don't ever begin one of her novels at night....unless you can stay up to the end.
"Coral Moon" gets 5 bookmarks and a bonus tassel and a charm from me!
Happy Reading!
Happy Reading!
P.S. So, how'd I do, how'd I do???
Awesome! I want to read that book right now! LOL! My TBR list keeps getting longer and longer. There are times when I have maxed out my "place a book on hold" at the library! Oh great and wise book guru, which book is first in this series? :o)
Love ya!
In order:
Violet Dawn
Coral Moon
Crimson Eve (not out yet)
Thanks! I have them written down on my TBR list.
Looking good, Deena :) Thanks for your post on my interview with Dale Cramer - what a lovely guy, eh?!
Great post!
I second that!
I just started Violet Dawn under Brandilynn's advice not to read it while in a hot tub. I think I'll take that advice. :v)
Great review! If I can handle Violet Dawn I'll definitely be reading this one too!
Like you've been doing this professionally all your life :)
Deena, thanks so much for your review. You did a very good job. To me, whether a reader likes one of my books or not, a review is well done when: (1) the aura/tone of the book is well presented WITHOUT giving away too much of the story, and (2) the reviewer has insights beneath only the story--in your case, the "take-away value" of the story I wanted to leave with readers was right on. So again, many thanks!
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