About the Book:
The heartwarming tale of an irrepressible donkey who needed a home—and forever changed a family.
Rachel Anne Ridge was at the end of her rope. The economy had crashed, taking her formerly thriving business along with it. She had been a successful artist, doing work she loved, but now she felt like a failure. How would her family pay their bills? What would the future hold?
If only God would somehow let them know that everything was going to be all right . . . and then Flash the donkey showed up.
If there is ever a good time to discover a wounded, frightened, bedraggled donkey standing in your driveway, this wasn’t it. The local sheriff dismissed Flash as “worthless.” But Rachel didn’t believe that, and she couldn’t turn him away. She brought Flash into her struggling family during their darkest hour—and he turned out to be the very thing they needed most.
Flash is the true story of their adventures together in learning to love and trust; breaking down whatever fences stood in their way; and finding the strength, confidence, and faith to carry on. Prepare to fall in love with Flash: a quirky, unlikely hero with gigantic ears, a deafening bray, a personality as big as Texas, and a story you’ll never forget.
My Thoughts:
We have a saying around our house, and it's based on a story from the Old Testament in the Bible. "If God can use a donkey, He can use anybody!" We also live by the verse that promises us that God is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Need proof? Then pick up a copy of a new release from Tyndale Publishers and be prepared to have more than just a nodding acquaintance with the power of God through a four legged animal!
Flash is adorable (how they ever got him to pose for that cover I'll never know!), but he's trouble on four legs. I mean, c'mon...he's a donkey! Follow Flash from that fateful night when the Ridge family stumbled onto his path and read along as Rachel shares the profound life lessons God brought into her family life.
From "finding your passion", learned after Flash, ahem, had his way with a neighbor's filly, to cultivating a love for others as Rachel embarks on what should be a hallucinogenic nightmare of a remodel job that ends up turning into so much more (just so you know, the lady she worked for had parrots that watched Barney for days...yeah, weird!).
Rachel is candid, witty and heartwarming as she shares her story and her journey with Flash, the family donkey. She almost made me want a homeless burro of my very own. Okay, she didn't really, but she did write a book that is going on my 'keep and read again' shelf!
How did I discover "Flash"? I myself read a review that stirred my interest, so I ordered a copy. Yes, reviews do influence people to read books, so go and get your copy of "Flash" and share the love with a review or recommendation.
And if you ever stumble upon a stray donkey...God might be trying to talk to you...you never know!
Happy Reading!

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