About the Book:
When you think of purity, what comes to mind? Perfect behavior? Impossible standards? Everything focused on waiting for that special guy? If so, you’re not alone.
The good news is purity isn’t just a list of don’ts—don’t think that way, don’t look that way, don’t act that way. It’s a God-designed plan for a happy life. Honest, humorous, and real, Pure Love, Pure Life provides practical tools to help you navigate the temptations and frustrations you face every day, stories from girls who have been there, and tips on what to do if your pure life takes a detour.
Discover a new vision of purity, how you can live it in today’s broken reality, and why it’s worth the effort.
My Thoughts:
Right now, all three of my daughters are grown, and two of them are married. But I still feel like I belong in the target demographic for this book. Purity is a life, not just a one time choice. We live in a world that claims fifty shades of gray; we need to desire God's pure white no matter what age we happen to be.
Elsa grabbed my heart with her open and honest introduction to the book. I've read several books on the topic of purity, but the ones that tend to capture my attention are the ones that read as genuine from the opening page.
Else doesn't try to hide her choices from the girls and young women she's trying to reach. She knows that it's better to write from a place of authenticity than perfection. Especially when perfection is pretty much impossible. I've told my girls there's a reason God spent so much of the Bible encouraging us to run from sexual sin.
Once sexual sin has a hold on you it never lets go without a knock down, drag out fight. But Elsa is quick to point out that a fresh start is always available through Jesus. That is SO important for you to hear, I'm going to repeat myself:
A fresh start is ALWAYS available through Jesus.
Elsa breaks down what Biblical purity is and what it's not, and encourages girls (and guys as well!) to make Jesus the Person in charge of any relationship. Elsa talks about not letting fairy tales and movies define romance for us, and about having a plan before the first guy calls for a date.
She also is candid about second chances, and I really want girls to get this message: with God, you can always get a do-over if you are honest and place your life in His hands. But trust Him before you make a move or a decision and spare yourself lots of heartache and scars.
The only I thing I wasn't crazy about was the cover. No offense, but it needs a bit more attention. Girls need to read this book, so let's make "Pure Love, Pure Life" stand out. My thanks to my friends at Zondervan for my complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
"Pure Love, Pure Life" is highly recommended, and let me add one more thing....read this together, moms and daughters. If your mom isn't around anymore, find an aunt, an older sister, someone older in your church...even your pastor's wife! Hey, I'm a pastor's wife, and some people think I'm still cool!
Happy Reading!

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