About the Book:
A father’s insights for men on life’s significant milestones.
We’re living through a profound crisis of masculinity, fostered by a media culture that idolizes youth and demonizes the strong male role. As a result, young men in their twenties and thirties aren’t encouraged to grow up, and their energy and talent are being squandered. The absence of fathers and male mentors leaves many young men spiraling emotionally, spiritually, and financially for years.
Pastor Dave Bruskas envisions a better future—one in which young men can flourish and take their God-given seat at life’s table.
Twenty years ago, Dave lost his infant son to a congenital heart defect. That devastating loss has fueled his desire to provide effective mentoring to young men ever since. Dear Son contains the insights Pastor Dave has given hundreds of young men and would have given his son if he had lived through life’s key milestones:
- first dates and first jobs,
- weddings and births,
- graduations, and much more.
My Thoughts:
Okay. I have a son. He's twenty years old, and working hard to be able to get a place of his own by the time he's twenty-two. His father takes an active role in his life, and they spend an abundance of time together.
I'm still buying a copy of this book for the two of them to read. It's that good.
"Dear Son" opens each chapter with a letter Dave writes to the son now living with Jesus in Heaven, discussing particular life events or things a dad would like to talk to his boy about. Then Dave continues the chapter with anecdotes and wisdom about how young men need to see the world to be affective world changers with the message of Christ's hope and love.
Chapters are brief, but packed with a lot, so if your men are reluctant readers or busy guys with little time to read, "Dear Son" works for them. The book would make great mentoring material, small group men's study, or just quality father/son time.
Dave writes to his son, and to our sons, about being a Christian, a son, a brother (loved that chapter!). He writes about being the kind of young man who is respected and who is heard, about being a true provider and a godly citizen.
Chapters also address being a husband and a father God's way, and being a vessel God can pour Himself into and through to impact the world. Please don't dismiss this as merely a book from a father in memory of his son in Heaven.
This is so much more. This is great wisdom for men of all ages, at all times, for all occasions, rooted in Godly principles. This is a book we need in our society. My thanks to my friends at Tyndale House Publishers for my advance copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Please get a copy. Read it. Read it with your sons and the young men you have influence with. Pass the word to others. This is one of those books I wish I could buy by the case and just hand out everywhere.
Yes, it is that good.
Happy Reading!

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