About the Book:
One innocent mistake . . . a lifetime of consequences.
After growing up an only child, Amanda Lisandra wants a big family. But since she and her soldier husband can’t afford to have more children right away, Mandy decides to earn money as a gestational carrier for a childless couple. She loves being pregnant, and while carrying the child, she dreams of having her own son and maybe another daughter. . . .
Just when the nearly perfect pregnancy is about to conclude, unexpected tragedy enters Mandy’s world and leaves her reeling. Devastated by grief, she surrenders the child she was carrying and struggles to regain her emotional equilibrium.
Two years later she studies a photograph of the baby she bore and wonders if the unthinkable has happened—could she have inadvertently given away her own biological child? Over the next few months Mandy struggles to decide between the desires of her grief-stricken heart and what’s best for the little boy she has never known.
My Thoughts:
From the first page I read with a knot of dread in my stomach. You know how whenever a celebrity would be interviewed by Barbara Walters, you almost knew she'd make him or her cry by interview's end? Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt about "The Offering."
I knew Angela was going to make me cry.
I've never been so attached to characters so quickly. Amanda and Gideon just nestled in and made themselves at home. In fact, I knew I loved them both so much that something tragic almost had to happen.
And, when it did, I felt devastated, just as Amanda did. And from the middle of the book on, every page was painful. If Amanda felt it, I felt it. But she was able to draw upon a strength I don't feel that I could ever have.
The strength to let go.
Now, of course, if I was in a situation where I had to release someone or something, God would give me the strength to do so. But just reading a fictional story about people who aren't real, and feeling the power of emotion that pours from the pages...
...that's quality writing. And Angela Hunt is a quality storyteller. It's hard for me to say I loved "The Offering", because the book was so painful to read.
But I did love it.
I received a copy of "The Offering" from Howard Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Honestly, if you're even the slightest bit hormonal, be warned! Regardless, stock up on tissues and chocolate. This is an emotional read, and highly recommended.
Happy Reading!

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