Shelley Adina is one of my favorite teen lit authors. Her series, "All About Us", has been a must read for me, and I'm now sharing it with my daughter. The newest novel tackles the tale of Lady MacPhair, or Mac as she's known to Spenser Academy.
I must admit, this is my least favorite of the series. While Shelley stays relevant with issues today's teens face, her settings get more and more outlandish, with this one taking place in a real Scottish castle.
Mac is torn between her new home at Spenser Academy and with the new friends she's made, and going back to her true home in Scotland. Skype isn't cutting it, and her old gang is anxious to see her again.
Her idea of spending the Christmas holidays at home have great appeal...especially once she's convinced her new gal pals to join her across the Atlantic. The only holdout is Carly--will Dad allow his precious daughter to miss the family holiday to fly across continents?
Troubles abound even for those housed in a Scottish castle. Upkeep is extraordinarily outlandish, and it seems finances are crunching for even the upper class. Added in the mix is Mac's fractured family--something she's determined to repair...along with the family home.
Toss in some unwanted romance, a bit of budding new love, and some teen angst and you've got another novel sure to be popular with today's crowd. I just felt disconnected throughout the story, but that could be because Mac has never truly felt real to me.
Still, Shelley has the knack for translating the everyday into the extravagant without losing a beat. I'm going to miss the girls of Spenser Academy. We've only got one more novel to look forward to--graduation always seems to come, doesn't it?
In the meantime, I'm giving "Tidings of Great Boys" three out of five bookmarks, with a bonus gold tassel and a sprig of holly as a charm. Don't miss out on a moment with the "All About Us" gals....remember, this is book five! Run out and get the entire set for Christmas...
...if you do it now, you'll have time to read them before you have to wrap them for under the tree!
Happy Reading!

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Another great review!
I have this book coming up on my blog as well
Hmmm, what age would you recommend this series for?
Shawntele, probably 16 and up. The earlier books deal with mature subject matter, so if your teen is mature enough, I'd go as low as 14...
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