Tuesday, April 21, 2009

On Tour With "10 Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe"!

This book isn't going to make you happy, but it will grow your faith if you'll allow it. Larry Osborne writes a Scripture packed examination of urban spiritual legends and Sunday school myths that you may have believed all of your life...

...and may have believed incorrectly.

From "everything happens for a reason" to "you just have to have enough faith", Larry seeks to free believers from truths that were taught as Scripture, but have no actual Biblical basis to lean on.

For instance, does a believer not only have to forgive, AND forget? What does Biblical forgiveness actually mean? And does that mean I have to allow that person back into my life?

Do all roads lead to Heaven, and if so, what does it matter down here? Just let your conscience be your guide--Biblical, or Walt Disney truism? This book will challenge some of your deepest convictions to see if they hold truth or just air.

I had a hard time with some of what was written in the book...but I took everything back to Scripture. And not just pieces of the Bible here and there, but whole passages.

Larry Osborne has done an excellent job in referencing Biblical passages in his book. Each passage is footnoted and listed in the index of the book. He's also included a discussion guide that will help in personal study or small group study.

In all, I found Larry's book to be well written, full of heart and passion, and not meant to condemn anyone. Written to clear up some of the spiritual fog that seems to have clouded the vision of the church, "10 Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe" may not be your favorite reading experience of the year...

...but it's one I hope you won't miss out on. Read it with an open mind, open heart...and open Bible. Search the Scriptures for yourselves. I'm giving you an opportunity to win a copy.

Leave me a comment, and I'll draw a winner on April 30th!

Happy Reading!



Cindy Loven said...

sounds very interesting...please put me in for the drawing..

Janet said...

I'm very interested. I get so frustrated when Christians spout vague feel-good nonsense. They're misplacing their faith and they crumble so quickly when reality hits.

Merry said...

I'd love a chance to win this book. Truth always sets us free even if we don't always like seeing what we thought to be true dismantled. Thanks for another great giveaway & review, Deena!

ReadingRobin said...

Ohhh my mom and I have had these discussions about the very same topics. I would love to have a tool with scriptures to clear some of these myths. Especially the forgiveness one. My brother was very abusive to me growing up and is still pretty ugly as an adult. My mom says, "if you don't forgive your brother you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven". (can you say "guilt"). I told her that I view my "brother" is another saved person. I also believe that he should not be allowed in my life or my children's life. I definatly want to check this one out!
cmrobin bellsouth net

Lalycairn said...

Hi there, Deena, please enter me. I'm always amazed, the more I learn, the more I realize everything I thought I knew is not always correct.

Sally said...

Sounds like a good book. My husband's a pastor, and this type of problem is something we see a lot. Enter me please. sallybradleywrites AT G mail DOT com