Tuesday, February 10, 2009

On Tour with Kendra Smiley!

I'm on tour this week with Kendra Smiley to introduce you to her latest book. Since I'm introducing you to her, I thought I'd go back and share about the first book I read by this witty and insightful author:

In "Do Your Kids A Favor...Love Your Spouse", Kendra emphasizes how we as parents model future behavior for our children. When the boys see Dad listening to Mom instead of trying to 'fix her problems', they learn it's okay to just listen. And when the girls see Dad giving Mom respect, they learn to look for that in a future spouse.

The book is written primarily from Kendra's perspective, and it's well balanced for both moms and dads. John, Kendra's husband inserts a thought here and there, and it's obvious that these two both love and respect one another.

Kendra covers areas of communication, gender differences, family traditions and even how to unpack the baggage we bring into our relationships. Through it all, she keeps the emphasis on setting an example for our children. I agree with Kendra that the best gift we can give our children is a healthy marriage.

Not everyone can do that, for a variety of reasons. Kendra doesn't leave out the single parent...she also includes counsel for moms and dads who are raising their children alone. In those situations, it is still possible to model good behavior that will lead our children to develop healthy relationships.

Kendra writes with humor and wit, as well as Biblical counsel and the voice of experience. She's willing to share from her own life, not just as how to do it but sometimes even as how NOT to do it.

I really enjoyed "Do Yourself A Favor...Love Your Spouse". It reminded me of things I knew but had forgotten, and pointed out some areas I need to work on in my own marriage. I'm giving this one five out of five bookmarks, with a set of wedding rings as a charm.

Tomorrow, be watching for Kendra's new book, "Journey of a Strong-Willed Child".

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

Kim said...

Deena - This is new to me. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to check this one out!