Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Purity Code by Jim Burns


In today's over-sexed society, what is a parent to do when it comes to teaching their children God's plan for sexuality? Well, I may not have all the answers, but I found a really great one for you!

"The Purity Code" by Jim Burns is by far THE BEST book on teaching tweens and teens ages 10-14 God's plan for their sexuality and their lives. Purity encompasses so much more than just abstaining until marriage and this message is loud and clear in Mr. Burns' book.

The biggest point to make about this book is something Jim Burns shares immediately: parents are most effective when they talk WITH their children, and not just TO them-about anything.

Jim sets a high standard in this book, and it's one I fear has been lacking in this generation for some time. Instead of putting on a ring and proclaiming "no sex outside of marriage", he encourages tweens and teens to declare "no moral wrongdoing at ALL in my life".

Now that's a HIGH STANDARD. Great thing is, he goes on to teach them how to live at that level, with straight talk, words of encouragement, and a companion book for parents that I reviewed a few months ago titled "Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality".

I cannot urge you enough to check out this book, this set of books in fact. "The Purity Code" explains to your child the changes his/her body is going through and how to respond Biblically to those changes. It discusses the proper age to consider dating, and a Biblical response to that question.

These are questions that, no matter how close we are to our kids, they may be too embarrassed to ask. By giving them this book (after you've read it, of course!), and reading the companion book yourself...oh, what a gift you'll be giving to your children and to our world!

I'm giving "The Purity Code" the golden bookmark for writing excellence with a key as a charm...capture your child's heart and secure it to God's...they will walk in His ways if we can only do that!

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Nise':

Whether they like it or not, I talk to my kids (17, 21, 24) about this subject whenver the opportunity arises and I tell them I will keep talking until they get married.