Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fancy Pants by Cathy Marie Hake (Reviewed by Victoria)


This is the second novel by Cathy Marie Hake I've read and I'm most definitely hooked! Women in difficult relationships is something I can totally relate to!

Sydney Hathwell is trapped in an engagement with a man she doesn't want or love in "Fancy Pants." In desperation, she chooses to portray herself as a man in order to find a safe haven on her uncle's ranch in Texas.

Watching Sydney try to keep up the facade is hilarious, yet also eye-opening. How often do we spend our day to day lives trying to be someone we're not? That was a revelation for me.

Cathy's style is an artist with words, and her books are like movies for the mind. She writes with wit and humor--I was rolling with laughter in "Fancy Pants". I am eager to read the next novel in my stack (thanks, Mom!).

Victoria, Historical Fiction Fanatic

Thank you, baby girl!

Happy Reading!



kalea_kane said...

Wonderful review, Victoria! So glad you shared Fancy Pants with us. :)

Alyce said...

It sounds like a fun book! I like books and movies where people are in disguise.

Lindsey said...

I really enjoyed this review - clear and made me want to read it! In fact, I went right to my library web site and put it on hold, lol. Thanks for the recommendation!

Sandee61 said...

Loved the review and would like to read the book. Sounds like a wonderful story.
