Thursday, October 30, 2008

Teen People of the Bible by Daniel Darling--Guest Inter-reviewed by KT!


I received a copy of this outstanding devotional book for teens and was highly impressed my self. But I wanted to find out if it was just me, as a mom--or if this book truly had teen-appeal.

So, I handed it to my 18 year old daughter, KT, and asked her what she thought:

Mom: So, what do you think?

KT: It's a good book because it has stuff that's relevant to today's teens, but in a different way. By using teens in the Bible, it helps us with people today who question our faith, and stuff like that?

Mom: What do you mean by 'stuff like that'?

KT: Like, some teens have questions about how to get to Heaven, and some teens want to know what to do when you're harrassed about your faith. It shows how they did it right back then and how they did it wrong as well. It's a really good study guide.

Mom: How so?

KT: It's broken down into days. It works for girls and guys, and would be great for churches to use it for their teens.

Mom: What else?

KT: It would also be a good thing for schools, home schoolers, and for families in general.

Mom: How easy is it to read?

KT: It's pretty easy to read. It basically gives you a little bit about a topic and then a teen from the Bible. You have some Bible verses, and then a modern day person to read about. Then it has a question for you to read and answer.

Mom: Can you give me an example?

KT: The first one is about Cain. The question is how do you get to Heaven. Then there's a story about a guy who thinks he has to do all this good stuff to get there. The author gives Scriptures that explain that Heaven is a free gift through Jesus, and then you have questions to answer.

Mom: Anything else?

KT: This is a great book for teens who are struggling in their walk with God or who have questions about their Christian faith. Now look what you did, Mom! Now you made me cough again!

Mom: Sorry, KT! My bad!

So, there you have it! Straight from a teen, this is an excellent resource on multiple levels, and we're excited to put our copy to good use! With the holidays just around the corner, we highly suggest you pick up a few as gifts.

I'm rating "Teen People of the Bible" with the golden bookmark, and a golden tassel as a charm for publishing excellence.

I'm also giving it the "Best Devotional of 2008" award!

Happy Reading!


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