Saturday, May 31, 2008

Forsaken by James David Jordan


I must admit, "Forsaken" did not turn out to be the book I thought it would be. Fortunately, it turned out to be BETTER:-)

Taylor Pasbury is a former Secret Service agent with a troubled life. Abandoned by her mother and traumatized by the death of her father, Taylor grew up alone, tough...and with a drinking problem.

So when world famous evangelist Simon Mason comes looking for her services as a private securities specialist, she's more than shocked. At every turn, she expects to be fired (oh, how I can relate to THAT!), finding herself lacking in every area of life.

But Simon is a man of genuine faith, and this faith is put to the ultimate test when his college-aged daughter is kidnapped by Muslim extremists. Taylor puts her all on the line to help Simon and his daughter...

...what more will God require of her? And what will God say about Simon's ultimate decision?

This story is about much more than Muslim terrorists. It's about genuine faith, forgiveness, and (once again), secrets from the past that need to come into God's light.

Taylor is forlorn and lonely, tough and tumble...but she worms her way into your heart. I personally am hoping for a series with her as the starring character!! But that's not my call...I don't think:-)

I'm giving "Forsaken" four out of five bookmarks, with a green shoebox as a charm...what in the world could be inside? You'll have to wait until October 2008 when "Forsaken" releases from Broadman and Holman!

Happy Reading!


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