Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Third and Final Day of the Tour with Austin Boyd

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Okay, are you back today? I told you to come back if you wanted a sweet giveaway from Mr. Austin Boyd. Here are the details right from the

I would be willing to send each of your bloggers below a box of 10 4-disk CD sets of the audio book version of the first three chapters of each book. That would give them 10 items to give away for free if they’d like to do that.

There’s a CD for each novel (1st three chapters of each) and a fourth bonus CD with my interviews and TV shows from 2006. The CDs are read by NY Times bestselling-narrator Paul Michael and are very professionally done. These come in a 4-disk amaray case with a movie-poster graphic front and back. I will also send 10 DVDs, which include a CNN-style interview telling about me, about my writing and speaking. It’s a great way to learn more about the life story behind the books.

If you want to extend this offer today to all your team, I’d be glad to send disk sets and DVDs to whomever would like the packages.

Didja catch all of that?? 9 commenting winners receive a 4 CD set that includes the first 3 chapters of all three books, a bonus DVD so you can meet Austin Boyd through his interviews...all in a rockin' case! So, here's the drill:

Leave me a comment, telling me where you'd like to go if you could travel through space...the sky, or rather, the galaxy is the limit. I will draw at least 9 winners ('cause I might want one for myself:-) on September 30th.

I must admit, I'm going to miss this tour. I have had the most fun, and Mr. Boyd is such a generous author. His interview rocked, and so do his books. I'm loving this tour and loving these books.

So, thank you, Mr. Boyd. It was a pleasure meeting and chatting with you. Now, I've got a series to finish, so I'll blog with you all later!!

Happy Reading!


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