Thursday, March 15, 2007

You might be a writer if . . .

1. You stop random strangers to tell them about your plot ideas

2. You believe that jail time is an appropriate punishment for misuse of the apostrophe

3. You participate in four different online critique groups simultaneously

4. You wake in the middle of the night with a brilliant line of dialogue and get up to write it down

5. People change tables in a restaurant because they notice you were writing down their conversation word for word

6. When you go grocery shopping you notice things one of your characters would like to have and put it in your cart

7. You write a post-it note to one of your characters and leave it on the kitchen table to remind her of something she needs to do in her next chapter
8. There is no such thing as a quick trip to a bookstore

9. You wish Channel made a perfume with the scent of printer ink

10. One minute you're convinced that every word you write is dreck and the next minute you're sure your manuscript has the makings of a best seller

11. Your car is rear-ended and your first thought is what metaphor you would use to describe the sound

12. You bring a notebook to your child's piano recital and jot a scene while the other kids are playing

13. You walk by the book aisle in Target and burst into tears because your heart has such a powerful yearning to see your stories on a book shelf one day

14. A police car with sirens blaring drives in to a scene you're writing and you didn't see it coming

15. You get paid for telling people what the voices in your head are saying.

Of course, this is just a helpful list of suggestions from the Novel Journey blog that I swiped from Sharon Hinck's email...but it could be true!!

Happy Reading!


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